The style of worship here at Unity can best be described as "blended". Our focus is to provide an environment that allows a person to truly have a worship encounter with the living God. We use traditional hymns, Southern Gospel music, and Praise & Worship music to prepare the heart for the preaching of God's Word.

Discipleship is the spiritual growth process that a believer in Christ goes through. Discipleship is carried out through our Sunday School, Worship and through specific departments, such as WMU and Mens Ministry. It is a life-long process that draws us closer to Christ, and equips us for ministry.

Fellowship is important because of the strength that comes through connecting with other believers. We accomplish fellowship through Sunday School/Small Groups Studies, Mens Breakfasts, special events (Dinners, etc.), choir, WMU, Senior Adult events, and Youth fellowship/Missions. Our fellowships provide believers with opportunities to make new friends and to help bear one anothers burdens.